It’s time for Friday Favorites! Each Friday I am posting a favorite resource that has really helped me or my family. I am rotating these based on different topics: favorites when we had little ones, favorites for our teens, spiritual growth, chores/skills, study skills, productivity, and preparing for college. So if this week’s topic isn’t one you’re interested in, stay tuned for another week! For my general resource list that covers all those topics and many more, click here. For a list of all the Friday Favorites, I’ve ever posted: click here.
This week, I am sharing what I do about calculators. Every year someone asks me which calculator they should get and when. So today, I’m actually going to share two calculators.
When your student gets into around the 2nd half of Algebra I or the start of Algebra II, they will need a caclulator that does more stuff than your basic dollar-store calculator!
This is the one I recommend. It’s the Texas Instruments TI-30X IIS. I actually found it at Walmart during the summer for $8. It’s a perfect starter calculator. I bought myself one this year, which was a major upgrade for me. It fits perfectly in my Thirty-One bag that I carry all my school supplies in.
When they are needing to program their calculator to graph functions, then you may need something with a little more umph. This is the one my girls use: the Texas Instruments TI-84 Plus Graphics Calculator. Sometimes you can find it on sale for around $88. Here’s a picture of what it looks like.

And you may want to purchase this book, the TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator for Dummies. This has saved us many times when we couldn’t figure out how to do something. A great reference to keep handy.
What about you? What’s your go-to calculator? I’d love to hear about it. Post a comment below or send me an email!
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Blessings and Happy Friday!