Unite Homeschool

Are you homeschooling high school? I’ve started a new High School Parents Coaching Club on the Unite Homeschool Network. I’m pretty pumped about this!  I’m posting helpful information several times a week and building up a library of resources, plus responding to everyone’s questions about teaching their kids and sending them to college.  You can post a question any time and anyone can reply.  Many parents have questions! For example, “How do I get my teens to do their work without having a bad attitude?” “How do I get them ready for college or a dual enrollment class?” Maybe you are wondering how to get scholarships for college or what is the best way to figure out a career path for your student. In this group, you can post your questions and get help from other parents and from me! It’s like a private Facebook group. 

High School Coachig Club

Each month we will have an online meetup where we will do three things:

1) meet and greet one another with an icebreaker 

2) have a teaching time on something high school parents ask me a lot and then

3) have an Ask Anything time, where you can try to stump me with your homeschool high school questions. 

Hopefully, this community will grow together as we launch our kids and we can all learn from each other.  The first meetup is This MONDAY at 2 pm. If you want to check out the coaching club, click here.

I hope you’re able to join if this is something you’d be interested in!


Announcing: High School Parents Coaching Club!

Announcing: High School Parents Coaching Club!