Many people have contacted me when they are signing up for dual enrollment courses at their local college, university, or technical college. They are overwhelmed with the choices and want to know what would be some good courses to start with. How to choose dual enrollment classes. Share on X
Below are the courses I would recommend.

Some Tips on Registering for Classes:
I would encourage you to consider the gifts and talents of your student and prioritize your courses in areas your student thrives in. If your kid is great at history, then start there. If they are good at math, then start with math. Definitely don’t plug your student in somewhere that you know will be difficult for them. Set them up to succeed the first time out of the gate! Here’s a great FAQ article from the Georgia Department of Education on Dual Enrollment in Georgia.
I also have my kids start slowly. Maybe one course in the first semester. Then, if they did well, two courses the next semester, and so on.
Here is a list of courses my own kids have taken successfully at local colleges, prior to graduating high school. I will put any relevant notes regarding if the course transferred to the final choice of college in the end.
Dual Enrollment Courses taken at Kennesaw State University:
BIOL 1107 Biological Principles I (and the lab) *transferred fine to both Ole Miss and UGA
CHEM 1211 General Chemistry I (and the lab) *transferred fine to both Ole Miss and UGA
CHEM 1212 General Chemistry II (and the lab) *transferred fine
COM 1100 Human Communication *transferred fine to Ole MIss and UGA
CRJU 1101 Foundations of Criminal Justice *did not transfer to Ole Miss
DANC 1107 Arts in Society: Dance *transferred fine to UGA
ECON 1000 Contemporary Economic Issues *transferred as same course to Georgia Southern University
EDGE 1211 Engineering Graphics *transferred as ENGR1133 at Georgia Southern University
ENGL 1101 English Composition 1 *transferred fine to Ole Miss, UGA, and Georgia Southern University
ENGL 1102 English Composition 2 *transferred fine to both Ole Miss, UGA, and Georgia Southern University
ENGL 2120 Honors British Lit *transferred fine to UGA
ENGL 2130 American Literature *transferred as ENGL 2130 American Literature to Georgia Southern University
HIST 1100 Intro to World History (Honors) *transferred fine to Ole Miss; UGA counted it as a Gen Ed Core Elective under Area IV, World Languages and Culture, but not as an Area V Social Science
HIST 2112 US History since 1890 *transferred fine to UGA
HIST 2122 US History since 1877 (Honors) *transferred fine to Ole Miss
HPE 1470 Self Defense (1 credit exercise class) *did not transfer
MATH 1111 College Algebra *transferred to UGA as MATH 1GXX and counted as Area I: Foundation Courses (for Advertising Major)
MATH 1113 Precalculus *transferred fine to Ole MIss
MATH 1190 Calculus I *transferred fine to Ole Miss
POLS 1101 American Government *transferred as the same course at Georgia Southern University
PSYC 1101 Intro to General Psychology *transferred fine to both Ole Miss and UGA
SPAN 1001 Introduction to Spanish I *transferred as SPAN 1001 Elementary Spanish to Area IV: World Languages at UGA
SPAN 1002 Introduction to Spanish II *transferred as SPAN 1002 Elementary Spanish to Area IV: World Languages at UGA
WELL 1000 Honors Foundations of Healthy Living *transferred fine to UGA
Dual Enrollment Courses taken at Chattahoochee Technical College:
CIST1305 Program Design and Development *nontransferable credit at UGA
CIST 2371 Java Programming I *nontransferable credit at UGA
COMP 1000 Introduction to Computers *nontransferable credit at UGA
COMM 1100 Human Communication (transferred as COMM 1100 Intro to Public Speaking) *transferred as Area F/VI Elective at UGA
ENGL 1101 Composition and Rhetoric (transferred as English Comp I) *transferred as Area I Foundation Courses at UGA
MATH 1113 PreCalculus *transferred fine to UGA
MATH 1131 Calculus I *transferred fine to UGA
MATH 1132 Calculus II *transferred fine to UGA
MUSC 1101 Music Appreciation (transferred as MUSI 2020 Intro to Music) *transferred as Area IV Humanities and Arts at UGA (Note: this course is no longer funded by GSFC for free dual enrollment under GA state law)
PSYC 1101 Intro to Psychology (transferred as PSYC 1101 Introductory Psychology) *transferred as Area V Social Sciences at UGA
Dual Enrollment Courses taken at Arizona State University (online with Universal Learner program):
ACC 231 Accounting *transferred as ACCT 2TXX Transfer Elective at UGA in General Electives at UGA
BIO 100 The Living World *transferred as BIOL 1103 Concepts in Biology AND BIOL 1103L Concepts in Bio Lab as Area II Sciences at UGA
CHM 114 Chemistry for Engineers *transferred as CHEM1310 General Chemistry at Georgia Southern University
COM 100 Communication *did not transfer to Georgia Southern University
ECN 211 Macroeconomics *transferred as ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics in Area F/VI Pre-Journalism/Advertising for Advertising Major at UGA
HIS 102 Ancient Med/Europe History *transferred as HIST 1TXX Transfer elective in Area F/VI Pre-Journalism/Advertising for Advertising Major at UGA and HIST 1112 Western Civilization at Georgia Southern
HIS 109 American History to 1865 *transferred as HIST 2111 at UGA (Area V Social Sciences) and HIST 2110 at Georgia Southern University
PSY 101 Psychology *transferred as PSYC 1101 Intro to Psychology at Georgia Southern University
I hope this helps you in terms of figuring out what courses your student might take in dual enrollment. If you are interested in reading our dual enrollment story, click here.