It’s time for Friday Favorites! Each Friday I am posting a favorite resource that has really helped me or my family. I am rotating these based on different topics: favorites when we had little ones, favorites for our teens, spiritual
Transcripts 301: 3 Myths about Transcripts
We’ve been talking about transcripts here on the blog and this post is the 3rd and final post in the series. You can find the first post here. This week I’m posting on 3 myths about transcripts. These are pretty
Friday Favorites: ACT Prep Book
Each Friday I am posting a favorite resource that has really helped me or my family. I am rotating these based on different topics: favorites when we had little ones, favorites for our teens, spiritual growth, chores/skills and college preparation. So
Academics with Teens: 8 Easy Steps to Take
How do you pursue academics with your teen? How do you help them find their niche, figure out their career, and plan their college applications? This post is the 3rd in a series of how to get your kids ready
CHASE-your kids: Launching Young Adults Into Adulthood
Do you need a clear plan for launching your young adult into adulthood? Are you unsure of what you should be focused on? Do you feel you are just running the rat-race and not accomplishing the important things in your