It’s been a while since I posted what was going on with my senior as she applies to colleges. I thought I’d give an update. We have heard back from 90% of the colleges regarding admissions. Why do I qualify
Being Intentional in 2020
Hi. I love the new year! 2020 is a chance to start fresh and make good changes in our lives. After looking back at 2019, I am now ready to make goals for 2020! Some have asked me how I
Looking Back, Looking Forward — 2019
I love the end of the year and the beginning of a new year. It’s a time for me to reflect on all the things that happened last year and make goals for the new year. It’s really my favorite
College Research – Part 8, Select Your College
Hi. This post is part of a series on finding the right college fit by doing college research. We’ve defined our parameters, looked at different colleges and noted their differences, thought about our financial situation, and now we’re going to
College Research – Part 7, The Financial Conversation
Hi friend! Welcome back to the blog. This post is a continuation of a series we are doing on finding the right college fit for your student. We are starting to get into the nitty gritty of college research. Click
College Research – Part 6, Best Tools for College Research
If you’ve been following along with the blog, we’ve been in a series on how to find the best college fit for your student. You can see the first post in the college research series here. Today we’re going to