I was driving down the road with my son, coming home from his band classes, and we came upon a family of deer crossing the street in our neighborhood.
First, there were about five deer that crossed the road right at the intersection where we would normally turn. I made the decision to not turn left but to go towards the deer for a better look. I slowed way down and stopped right before the “crossing” had been. To the left, there were the five “starters.” They were busy milling about in someone’s yard and it was so beautiful to see this precious family.
We looked to the right and could see two deer down at the end of a neighbor’s driveway. They were standing very still looking at us. They were quite far away and I guess they hadn’t decided to leave this yard yet, or maybe they were making sure there were no other stragglers in their group. On the left, the rest of the family was waiting for them. We slowly moved forward so the last two could join the group.
But not before a huge white SUV came barrelling around my left side to pass us because we were clearly too slow and in the way of their forward progress. They went flying by and I thought to myself, “Wait! You’re missing the deer and this beautiful moment in nature!” They probably had no idea there were deer on either side of the road. They had things to do.

What are some ways you can slow down NOW with your teen and catch some of God’s world and creation?
Isn’t that just like our society today? We are running full steam ahead and sometimes going so fast, that we miss the opportunity to see the beauty around us. With our teens, we are shuffling them out the door to this thing or the other and life is passing us by. It’s like a ride at the fair that never stops. Around and around we go. One day they will move out and be gone and it will be quiet again. Ah, that’s when we can slow down and see the nature and beauty near us, right? What about all the years when we’ve missed it?
We need to take some time to be intentional with our teens.
Slowing Down With Your Teen – What about all the years when we've missed those times to be intentional? Share on X- Spending time outside
- Enjoying the moments that you’ve been given
- Being present more and not on your phone
- Building some margin in your life so you don’t have to rush
- Grabbing some coffee or food with them and hearing how their day was
- Sitting outside together in your backyard or front porch and watching the birds or the insects
- Go for a walk in the park
- Buy some binoculars and set them near a window with a bird book
Post a comment and add an idea of something you like to do in your home, yard, or community. How are you choosing to be intentional with your teenager?