Whew! We made it through 2021. Did you achieve any goals this year? It was hard work to get much of anything done! It feels sort of like we survived something.
Today is the third year anniversary of my Grandmother’s death and it seems so long ago. Like it should be 5 or 6 years. So much has happened in just three years.
I hope you had a productive 2021. I have been taking some time to analyze my year and think through all the ups and downs that happened this past year.

Intentional Arrows update: What’s been going on around here
Here at Intentional Arrows, I was able to help a lot of people last year with so many different things. I created transcripts for high schoolers. Meeting with moms who were overwhelmed with planning high school and dual enrollment courses, I was able to help them make some wise choices for their plans. I advised students who are seniors and applying to college this past fall. Some students are maxed out on their 30 free credit hours for dual enrollment in Georgia, so I helped them figure out ways they can get more credit without paying full-price tuition at the local college. Why is this important? Read about it here.
I also launched my first online course this fall and soon there will be a course site where you can take courses from me at home in your pajamas! I’d call that progress!
But 2022 is a new year and we are off to a great start. I’m already booking appointments for this year and plan to be blogging more frequently on tips for launching your teens into adulthood. If you have questions or thoughts on what you need more information about, please hit reply and let me know! I love knowing my posts are covering topics that are helpful to y’all!
Speaking of blog posts, here are links to my top three posts from 2021. These are the posts that were viewed the most and I think you might find something helpful here.
Post #1 How to Choose Great Dual Enrollment Courses
Post #2 Where to Start for College Research
Post #3 14 Pros and Cons for Dual Enrollment in High School
New Company: ACA West Accreditation Services
Another thing that happened in 2021, is our team started a new company called ACA West, where we accredit homeschool transcripts. So, I am helping people on both sides of the accreditation spectrum now. I try to remain unbiased so that I can direct people towards either method of transcription, based on whichever is best for their family’s needs.
Family Update: What The Kids Are Up to These Days
In our own family news and highlights: Wow, was it a busy year! We did have some big highlights and goals achieved.
My oldest daughter graduated Cum Laude from the University of Mississippi with a degree in Integrated Marketing and Communications and is now employed in a full-time job.
Our second daughter started her second year at UGA and is diligently working on building up her resume in view of applying to medical school soon. There are a lot of requirements (volunteer hours, shadowing, research, clubs) and she is going after it full speed!
Our third daughter is a senior in high school and we’ve been helping her fine-tune what her long-term goals are and applying to colleges. We don’t know what the future holds for her, but we know who holds the future! We have no decision yet but maybe by May 1st, we will have figured it out.
Our son, who is in 10th grade, has two big changes looming on the horizon. First of all, he is joining the Roswell High School Band as a homeschooler. He is taking advantage of the new Dexter Mosely Act in Georgia, which allows homeschoolers to participate in extracurricular activities. We registered at our local high school, and he is pumped to be in a bigger, more active band. He will continue to do his classes at home and co-op for the rest of this year.
The other new thing for him is he will be dual enrolling at Kennesaw State University this fall. So we have spent some time planning what I think is his optimum class schedule to get the most credits as he can during high school and prepare him for entering college full time.
Personal Update – a little about me
Finally, a quick update about me is that I *enjoyed* some time off this fall while I went through hip surgery and a 6-week recovery. No, it wasn’t a hip replacement. Instead, I had a bone that was growing a little wild and this had caused the cartilage in my hip socket to tear. This was giving me pain constantly when I moved. So I had to learn to rely on the family for help for a few weeks and some wonderful folks brought us meals…. which is why I haven’t posted much lately. I’m still going to physical therapy twice a week but hoping to decrease that soon!
I was able to achieve a few of my goals last year including book reading, memorizing scripture, frequent date nights (many at home due to Covid!), and a family vacation to the beach. I look forward to a pain-free year of doing even more fun things.
Looking back at your year? How was your year and what goals did you accomplish?