I love the end of the year and the beginning of a new year. It’s a time for me to reflect on all the things that happened last year and make goals for the new year. It’s really my favorite time of the year.
As I look back on 2019, I am amazed at all that God has done in my family and my life. I thought I’d type up a brief summary. This is such a great exercise to do because it helps us see where we can work on things in the future and it provides an “Ebenezer stone” of remembrance that we can look back on in years to come. I highly recommend taking some time at the end of this year to make this happen!
I am going to write these things in no particular order, just as they come to mind. It’s hard to be “real” on the internet, but I’m going to give it a shot.

Successes / Praises / Happiness in 2019
- My husband did some massive work in the back yard this year, got our pool completed cleaned up, repainted and usable as well as some other outdoor spaces are now much nicer. It’s a joy to look outside now, whereas before it was a disaster!
- Oldest daughter at Ole Miss had a great year and is achieving some good things for her future career, including internship at University of Miss. Medical Center, and part time jobs at the Small Business Development Office and the University Communications Dept., as well as serving in her church and at the BSU, and keeping those grades up! 😉
- 2nd daughter, senior in high school–had a great year with a promotion at work to Director of Leadership, where she now trains people in how to be a leader and manager. She was accepted at all the colleges she applied to (except 1 we haven’t heard from yet!) and has some good scholarship offers to choose from. It will be a fun 2020 as we get her launched on her path. She also got to go on a life-changing mission trip to Portugal in April and is going back in 2020.
- 3rd daughter, 10th grade–is having the best school year ever! We made a change (at the extreme last minute) in her schooling in the fall and it turned out to be awesome–great new friends and wonderful teacher. She also got 2 A’s in her two college dual-enrolled courses and has received a promotion at work.
- 4th son, 8th grade–is also having the best school year ever! We switched him to a school where several of his friends go and the teacher is also wonderful; He began Marching band with North Metro Marching Eagles and is loving it. He just tried out and made the District Honors Band. He’s turning into quite a little leader. He continues to work 4 hrs a week doing landscaping in our neighborhood.
- for myself: I am in a transition period of changing up my responsibilities from volunteer work to a new part-time job at Compass Preparatory Academy. I’m enjoying this new change in my life! I also went back to my Precept Bible study this year after taking off for 5 years while my kids were having classes on that day. Such a breath of fresh air to be back with these ladies and returning to indepth bible study. I finished 32 books this year and spent time each month with friends, working on developing friendships. I enjoyed a vacay with my husband to the Palm Coast, time at the beach and lake with girlfriends, and a staycation at home with family. I also now have 4 chapters of the Bible memorized. I enjoyed lots of meetings with clients this year helping them plan high school, select colleges to apply to, write transcripts, etc. I enjoy my work immensely. I’ve increased my physical fitness goals and I’ve lost some weight, and am much more stronger and flexible with my daily yoga and some walking.
Disappointments / Failures / Sadness in 2019
- Definitely have to start with my Grandmother’s death on Jan 4, of this year. She was a role model to me in many ways and I have been sad of her passing but thankful she is no longer suffering.
- This meant that not much happened for me productively during the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019. A good friend and I had breakfast and she told me I really needed to take it slow and not rush back into life. That was such good advice. So I let go of my “need to accomplish all the things” during those first few months of 2019 and just took it slowly.
- We had our share of friendship issues with our teen girls this year. Some have been resolved and some may never really be resolved. It is sad for me and for my girls, but a great learning experience for us all. Be careful the friends you choose!
- I did not get as many books read or verses memorized as I had planned. I was planning to read 36 books so I was close. And I’ve really bogged down in the chapter I am memorizing. But I have high hopes that I’m going to finish it in 2020!
- I had big plans for some writing, journalling, and blog posts that didn’t quite happen. Hoping this is the year to get on track.
- I had some major house remodeling/decluttering plans. And I probably got 1/4 of it done. More to do in the coming year for sure!
- We’ve had some friends and family go through major illness, death, separation, and cancer this year. It has been sad to watch and not be able to do much except love them and support them however we can.
- I was going to meet with my teens on some topics this fall and have bought a book to go through together and never really got started. Need to rethink the “when” of that plan. It’s hard to find a good time when we are all home together!
- I didn’t host any goal setting workshops or study skills workshops or homeschooling high school workshops this year! I am definitely planning on changing that in 2020. Starting with goal setting!
Wow, what a year! Looking back on it I can now see some areas to improve and some new goals to make! I encourage you to take some time to do this.
If you are interested in a goal-setting workshop in January in Atlanta, I will be offering three: on January 8, 11 and 25. I’d love to have you come be a part and learn about setting goals for yourself and your family for 2020! You can click here to get to the signup genius and reserve a spot.