I was thinking today about how grateful I am for this community. You guys have helped me build my business this year! There’s been so many wonderful moments in the past few months. From in-person Study Skills classes and homeschooling high school coaching sessions, to online connections on my many social media outlets, I have grown so much and learned from all of you! And I hope you’ve benefitted some from me, as well.

We have so much to be thankful for this year. Even though raising teenagers is a TON of work, we can be grateful that we have them in our lives!
Abraham Lincoln said, after winning a victory in the Civil War, “I am indeed very grateful to the brave men who have been struggling with the enemy in the field, to their noble commanders who have directed them, and especially to our Maker….we should, above all, be very grateful to Almighty God, Who gives us victory.” God definitely gives us the victory in our homes and with our teens, doesn’t He? Thanks be to HIm.
I am grateful for you guys. Thank you for being on my list, for showing up to seminars, scheduling online coaching sessions, and for hiring me to help you plan your high school years.
Take The Survey
Looking forward to 2019, I’m working on many projects. I would LOVE to get your thoughts on what you most need from me.
Will you do me a favor and take two minutes to take this 1-minute survey and tell me how I can serve you better?

New Email Challenge To Prevent Overwhelm
In thanks, I would like to share with you the link to my brand new email challenge, The 10-Day Challenge to Prevent Overwhelm. At this time of year, it can be easy to find ourselves feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and “down.” This challenge will give you 10 baby steps to lead you to a more peaceful and settled life. This will especially be helpful for anyone who is a parent and managing a busy home. Feel free to forward this email to a friend and do it together! Sign up to get started on the Challenge today.

Also as a thank you, I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite EASY Thanksgiving recipes with you. This year we are spending the day with family and I’m bringing along some sides. Did you hear me say EASY? Yes, I don’t really love cooking so I do things quickly, simply, and easily.
Here’s what I’m bringing:
- Sweet and Spicy Sweet Potatoes
- Layered Fruit Salad
- Creamed Corn Cornbread Muffins
- Pumpkin Pie
- Chocolate Pie
Thank you for being my friend, liking, following, pinning, and sharing with me this year. I wish you the most blessed and joyous Thanksgiving time with your family.
In HIm,