Hey y’all. I finally feel like I have my mo-jo back after such a crazy two months. Boy, having a family crisis can hit you hard! This week, I thought I’d share with you some things I tried to help
It’s a New Year! A New Day!
Hey you! It’s so good to be back to business. I had to take a break to deal with a family situation. My grandmother became really ill over the holidays and I spent 18 days caring for her and then
Happy Thanksgiving! (and 5 EASY Recipes!!)
I was thinking today about how grateful I am for this community. You guys have helped me build my business this year! There’s been so many wonderful moments in the past few months. From in-person Study Skills classes and homeschooling
Challenge III Fall Week 14 Resources
Hi! If you are new to my newsletter, once a week or so I send out some general resources that I’m using with my 11th-grade high school class at Classical Conversations. You might find them helpful in educating your student
Challenge III Fall Week 13 Resources
Hi! If you are new to my newsletter, once a week or so I send out some general resources that I’m using with my 11th-grade high school class at Classical Conversations. You might find them helpful in educating your student
College Visits That Mean Something
It’s that time again for my next daughter and I to start our college visits. I’ve already been through this once with my oldest and gotten her launched out into college life. And now it’s time for my 2nd daughter