Hey everybody! It’s time for Friday Favorites! Each Friday I am posting a favorite resource that has really helped me or my family. I am rotating these based on different topics: favorites when we had little ones, favorites for our teens, spiritual growth, chores/skills, productivity, and preparing for college. So if this week’s topic isn’t one you’re interested in, stay tuned for another week! For my general resource list that covers all those topics and many more, click here. For a list of all the Friday Favorites, I’ve ever posted: click here.
This week, I am sharing my newest productivity helper. It’s Frixion erasable pens. I never knew these existed until this year. But they are literally (and colorfully, I might add) changing my life!

I use these pens to color code my areas in my planner. In the front of my planner, I keep a list of which color goes with which segment of my life. Aqua is for me (personal), Black is for business/work, purple is for my Classical Conversations to-do items, Red is for husband/home/housework, Royal Blue is for my two oldest girls (one of whom doesn’t need me for much anymore since she has flown the nest), Pink is for my youngest girl, and Green is for my little buddy.
This helps me so much because I group my to-do list into these color-coded sections and then I can pick one to work on. In this way, I am accomplishing stuff in each of the areas of my life.
And what is even more amazing, they erase! And it really does come clean! You can’t tell I wrote in pen on the paper prior to that! I’m in awe of these things. Check them out!
Right now this pack is on sale for 39% off! Great price! They have other packs of different sizes. I will probably buy some black ones someday soon.
What productivity tool is really rocking your world these days? I’d love to hear about it. Post a comment below or send me an email!
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Blessings and Happy Friday!