Do you need a clear plan for launching your young adult into adulthood? Are you unsure of what you should be focused on? Do you feel you are just running the rat-race and not accomplishing the important things in your home?
This new blog series will help you gain clarity and focus for how to launch your young adult out into the great big world.
For years, our family has been focused on these 5 key areas. If you can create goals and teach skill sets to your kids in these areas, you will find that you are hitting the big priorities first in your home.

1. Character – Focusing on your child’s character. What virtues do you want to teach them about? What fruit of the Spirit do they need to learn and grow in the most? Everyone has particular struggles they face in the area of virtues, whether it be patience, kindness, love, joy or self-control. What do your kids struggle with? Click here to read more on teaching your child character.
2. Heart – Who has their heart? Are they spiritually growing in their faith in the Lord? Have you taught them how to guard their heart? Proverbs 4:23 says, “Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life.” Click here to read more about helping your child with their spiritual growth. And here to find some books for teens on spiritual growth.
3. Academics – Of course, in order for them to be successful in life, they are going to need some basic academics. This is true whether your student is going to college, seminary, ministry, trade school, or even being a stay-at-home parent. There are information and study skills they need to know so they can be lifelong learners. It is your job as a parent to make sure they get it! Click here to read more on academics.
4. Skills – Just because we know all the info in the world about economics, automobiles, and money management, if we don’t have the skills to take care of our own bank account or simple car maintenance, we’re going to hit some roadblocks in life. Every child who goes out into adulthood needs to have some basic skills in cooking, home management, banking, car maintenance, etc. Click here to read more on teaching life skills.
5. Experiences – Helping your child have some life-changing experiences while they are at home can give them a great sense of family identity, memories, stories to tell, and new friendships to form. These experiences can involve travel, volunteering, serving others, and activities outside the home based on where their interests lie. As parents, it is your job to guide and coach them into finding their own “niche” of where they like to serve and minister and be involved in their community. Click here to read more about giving your child experiences.
Click here to get your free pdf worksheet on how to launch your child.
If you will focus on these 5 areas in your home and parenting, you will be able to launch kids in the world who are prepared and ready to face anything! Over the next few weeks, we will dig deeper into each of these areas to see what they entail and how to go about making them happen in your home.
To read specifics on each of these, start the series here!